Uncategorized | 06.21.2013

Where to Download Google Fonts

I recently made a post titled “Web-safe Fonts the Google Way” regaurding an extended list of fonts for websites that Google is providing via the Google Font Directory. By using a simple CSS technique, Google is offering a great solution to the time-old problem of lame “web-safe” fonts. One blog I read referred to these fonts as “web fonts”.

In this blog, I’ll post links to where all of these fonts can be found and downloaded for use in Photoshop mockups. I couln’t find one of them, tangerine- so if you’re a google ninja and you’d like to help me out let me know. Click here to review the Google font directory.


Apparently the font files are posted in Google’s project repository for the Font Directory. I’ll leave this post as it is though because it links to a lot of the Author’s sites w/ licensing information. Here’s the Font Directory repo link. You’ll want to right click on the font files and choose “save link as”.

With no further ado- here they are:

Leave a comment if you know where I can find tangerine- happy photoshopping!